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About Our Cattery

We are a modern cattery where you can buy kittens of the rarest

and most exclusive breeds, among which there are often masterpieces

of the cat world, and where you can always find a favorite for your home.

Our cattery was founded in 2013 and since then, we've we successfully

continue to breed the most exotic looking, rarest, healthiest, purebred kittens

of Sphynx, Bambino, Elf, Dwelf, and others.

Our cats have many awards from various associations. 


Our customers are always very excited to get truly unique kittens,

distinguished by the cleanliness of breed, perfect health,

great demeanor, good-natured disposition, and an impeccable



Each room of our breeder nursery is equipped with supply and

exhaust ventilation system with constant air temperature, underfloor

heating, and a video camera. We have a specially designed and equipped

kitchen where specific food is prepared depending on the age and breed

of the kittens.


We use premium food and vitamins, selected separately for each breed

and age, which allows our pets to remain beautiful, healthy and cheerful

every day over many years. We also have washrooms and tubs specifically

equipped and designed for our pets.


We have designed and equipped maternity wards, quarantine rooms, game

rooms. Our cats are kept in the atmosphere of domestic warmth and comfort. 

Our goal is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our pets.


We have professionals taking care of kittens and cats around the clock,

led by the breeder Sergei Sotchenkov, who monitors the diet of cats, their

health, physical and psychological development. All mating is controlled and

pre-planned. Each birth occurs exclusively under the supervision of a 


When buying a kitten, you get the veterinary passport (our kittens are

vaccinated and chipped), a pedigree and a certificate of ownership.


This is important if in the future you want to participate with your beloved

pet in various exhibitions or plan to seriously engage in breeding.


In 2016, our cattery was registered by the International Association of WCF.

Contact us today!


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